About Us
Editions Studio is a community of book artists and printmakers run by book artists and printmakers in Seattle, Washington.
There's something different about working alongside another artist.
When you're both intense in the moment of ideas coming to fruition,
You both bask in the triumphs and feel deeply those moments of failure.
You send each other hope and encouragement when it's most needed,
In the moment.
Sarah Mottaghinejad
Founder, Studio Coordinator, Book Arts Evangelist and Chief of Awesome-get-it-doneness
Sarah fell in love with book arts when she lived in New York City and discovered The Center for Book Arts. Her favorite teachers and influencers are Sarah Nichols, Julie Chen, Ana Cordeiro, and Biruta Auna.
Sarah started the #areyoubookenough challenge on Instagram with the book arts community in January of 2017. Her own artist books reflect her experiences, her beliefs and her doubts. She is always learning and strives to learn something new with each piece she produces.
After moving to the West Coast, Sarah missed the camaraderie of The Center for Book Arts in New York City and determined that she would somehow create a book arts center close to home in Seattle. It took seven years but when she came across the perfect space at Equinox Studios, she knew it was time. Editions Studio was founded in November 2017.
You can find Sarah on Instagram @inkandawl
Karleigh Heywood
Book Artist, Teacher, Marketing Manager and Content Coordinator
Karleigh's favorite book art teachers have been Carla Jimison, Daniel Essig and her students. Karleigh believes that the teacher can learn just as much from the students as the students can from the teacher. She's taught hundreds of students the art of bookbinding. She considers herself a lifelong learner of the book arts.
Karleigh ran a successful bookbinding business with her husband Daniel for ten years, selling tens of thousands of books. She now spends her time helping other creatives turn their passion into a successful business.
"My artist books are all deeply connected to the idea of storytelling. I don't create art as a form of expression but rather, I create artist books as teaching tools. Art pieces that teach through a specific theme or story. I find more satisfaction in book arts that way. I suppose it stems from my love of learning." -Karleigh Heywood
You can find Karleigh on Instagram @KarleighHeywood